Lake Trout
The Lake Trout is a very hard fighting fish that is found in different levels in the water column in the lake throughout the year. In the springtime, they are caught without using a down rigger or sophisticated equipment. A simple SR9 Shad Rad or Rapala trolled with a large amount of line behind the boat will yield great results. It is important to troll in an “S” pattern near rocky points, shallow bays or structure. Since the fish are high in the water column, they can be spooky, so a quiet approach with long lines is a must.
During the summer months, the lake trout go deep in the water to search for cooler temperatures and bait fish. They are found at or near the bottom in many cases, but will also chase bait fish up to the bottom of the thermocline. They are great chasers of lures and will cover long distances to run down their prey, so it is important to vary the speed of your lure. They can also be caught using down riggers and spoons such as the Laker Taker, Little Cleo and K.O. Wobbler.
In the fall, the lake trout will begin to suspend and rise higher in the water column. Large cliffs near deep water will attract cisco minnows which in turn attract lake trout. The lake trout spawn in the fall and as the water cools will move to round rocky areas to lay their eggs. They will come from great distances throughout the lake to spawn in specific areas. They can be caught trolling large diving lures, casting spoons and spinners near their spawning areas and also jigging for them with 1-2 oz jigs.
Species Guide
Our species guide not only describes the beautiful fish that you’ll pull from Canada’s finest waters, but also specifically where you can expect these fish to be in Wabakimi Provincial Park and our boat-in lakes. Click the fish for more information.